Sunrise was at 7:28, sunset was at 4:24. What a rainy day it was. Water rushing down both sides of Rainier at 6:15 am, four feet out from the curbs on both sides, water streaming down all the streets and parking lots to add to the depths, the drains completely overwhelmed, more water going over the drains than into them. All I could think of was “rain gardens, rain gardens, rain gardens”! Exhilarating!
Well, it's a good thing the ferry just stops on the other side. I was reading I Remember You, by Cathleen Davitt Bell, and completely missed ALL the tells that I needed to get off the ferry: the warnings to get to your car, "walk on passengers must disembark", the bumps as we docked, the bridge coming down, the silence as I suddenly realized that I was the only one left except for the ferry folk coming to make sure no one's sleeping in a booth. It is a REALLY good book!
When it comes to trying to explain why she is so attracted to Lucas, as different from each other as they are, she can't tell anyone the truth, it's just too weird and unwieldy a story, all this talk of her future and his past, his breaking up with her (and his explanation about why and when he’ll do that), the reasons why he might be remembering his life with her…All she can do is love him. And she does, and we do - he's the perfect book crush. He is sweet and caring, passes the hockey puck to everyone, is a true team player and thinks the world of Juliet.
I Remember You is so romantic, so well-told; I loved this book and its odd and quirky characters. Juliet and Rosemary have a great friendship, (almost) always telling each other the truth, supporting each other without question. Rosemary has "relationship issues" with boys, Lucas is loving and sweet, Dex is easy and bright, Jason is a little off and scary. It is really a Young Adult novel: There is sex, deception, a lot of drinking, also a lot of redemption, support, openness, and some really great adult characters. And what a good premise! Remembering your girlfriend before you even meet her! There were a few moments where I thought, WHAT? but they passed and worked out. As far as I know….
What a book, what a good time I had reading it! I hope you do, too. I Remember You will be available February, 2015, from Knopf. $17.99. Give Eagle Harbor a call at 206-842-5332 if you need a copy and don’t have a local bookstore. We will be so happy to help you out!